ROUTINES 1. Hot Enough For You? 2. Watching A Lot Of The World Cup 3. Olympics 4. Texas 5. But In The Olympics 6. Tour De Lance 7. Utah 8. Something Awful Is Going To Happen 9. Cure, The 10. These Are Troubled Times My Friend 11. Now You Get On The Plane 12. Not Just Sin 13. Back To Our In-Flight Movie 14. Homeland Security 15. Blair, Bush, Cheney, Ashcroft, A Dead Man And Lassie 16. Crusade 17. Trying To Win The Hearts And Minds 18. 71 Virgins 19. I'm An Episcopal 20. I Do Believe There's Miracles 21. Joe, I'm Pregnant 22. My One Question 23. I Could Turn This Place Into Chicken Tikka 24. Pot Doesn't Affect You Like Alcohol 25. Golf 26. And Then There's Boxing 27. Drugs To Make You Feel Better 28. I've Gone To The Zoo 29. Maybe It's Because I'm Fifty 30. 'Cause What Can They Do For You? 31. Father, You Have To Set Limits 32. Payback's A B*tch
CD2 1. Grim Rapper 2. Chicago 3. Milwaukee 4. Boston 5. Philadelphia 6. Atlanta 7. Washington, DC 8. Cleveland 9. Austin 10. Houston 11. New Orleans 12. Minneapolis 13. Seattle 14. Portland 15. Las Vegas 16. Toronto 17. Baltimore 18. Memphis 19. Nashville 20. Technology